Survey to Help Improve Roadway Safety

Residents encouraged to participate; funds can be used for improvements

MOUNT VERNON, February 7, 2024 – The City of Mount Vernon and the Central Ohio Rural Planning Organization (CORPO) are working with the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) to study roadway safety and develop a comprehensive safety action plan for rural Central Ohio.

Residents’ feedback through a survey will help the City improve roadway safety for everyone in the community. The survey and more information about the planning process can be found on the CORPO website at City residents are encouraged to complete the survey, which will be open until February 16, 2024.

CORPO received a $200,000 federal grant through the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program to develop a comprehensive safety action plan for the seven-county CORPO planning area, which includes Knox County.

As part of this effort, CORPO has convened a stakeholder committee to oversee the planning process and is seeking public input regarding local road safety issues and opportunities to help identify key priorities for the plan. The planning process will also include review of crash data and conditions for all roadway users, such as motorists, motorcyclists, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
The planning process kicked off in the fall of 2023 with the goal to conclude this spring. Completion of the safety action plan will make local agencies within the CORPO planning area, like the City of Mount Vernon, eligible to apply for implementation funds through the SS4A program.