Part-Time Activity Coordinator Position Available

Activity Coordinator
The Station Break Senior Center of Knox County


Must be at least 21 years old, have a valid Ohio driver’s license, current vehicle insurance, lift 50 lbs., pass a criminal background investigation, experience with Microsoft Office Software and various electronic media equipment a plus. Experience in public speaking and senior-related activities. Must be able to work some evenings and weekends.
Duties include:
Developing and implementing senior-related activities, planning county parties twice a year, creating a monthly newsletter, working with local newspaper and radio stations, and public speaking engagements. Maintain and update Facebook page and website.
Pick up an application at The Station Break, 160 Howard St., Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. No emails or phone calls accepted. We are an EOE.
The deadline for application will be ongoing until the position is filled.