Southside Diner Reopening May 26

We are happy to announce that we will be reopening on May 26! Initially, we plan to be open for our normal hours Monday through Saturday 5:45 a.m-8 p.m. We will remain closed on Sundays for the time being.

As you’ll notice a lot of changes to the restaurant, our commitment to the health and safety of our guests and staff remains the same. All of our staff will be wearing facial coverings and will be making sure to stay on top of all sanitation guidelines, as set by the Knox County Health Department and the Ohio Restaurant Association.

Please help us by maintaining the 6’ social distancing by not moving the chairs and tables in our two dining rooms while we try our best to accommodate everyone we can.

Lastly, please be patient with us and each other while we all try and navigate through these ever-changing times. We are in this together!

We can’t wait to see you all again!