Good Friday

The Friday before Easter commemorates the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the Christian Faith and is called Good Friday.

Christians around the world recall the biblical story of Jesus’s crucifixion on this day. The day goes by other names as well, such as Holy Friday, Black Friday, and Great Friday. The phrase “Good Friday” may have been derived from “God’s Friday, “though sources conflict.

The observance is central to the Christian holy season that leads up to Easter when Jesus Christ was resurrected. While Easter has become a traditional celebration in the secular world, Good Friday has remained a holy and spiritual observance.


Churches across the country hold services. Depending on the denomination, their services and traditions may vary. For example, churches will fast, select specific hymns for services, and drape black fabric over the lectern and cross. Many spend the day in meditative reflection. Some churches will fast, selected hymns are chosen for services and black cloth is draped over the altar and cross. Other churches will include specific prayers such as the Stations of the Cross. Similar to making Easter bread, some make hot cross buns for the observance. Learn more about the biblical story of the crucifixion.

Hot Cross Buns recipe

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The celebration of Good Friday has been observed for centuries, some say since at least the 4th century.