Recovering America’s Wildlife Act


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The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act legislation is based on the belief that future generations should enjoy Ohio’s wild animals and wild places. Unfortunately, threats to our fish, wildlife, and their habitats exceed the resources available to conserve them.

Ohio has 94 species considered at risk of extinction globally or nationally. Nationally, approximately 10,000 at-risk species are identified. Once a species declines to the point of being listed, it is very difficult, expensive and contentious to recover.

Existing federal funding was never designed to meet the needs of all species, particularly those declining but not yet threatened. The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, if passed, would allow us to protect those species, conserve the full diversity of wildlife, and improve our natural resources.

Learn more about how the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA) would benefit Ohio, and how YOU can help with your support! #RecoverWildlife