KCSO Asks Voters to Oppose Issue 1

KCSO is asking voters to join the many groups and organizations that oppose Ohio Issue 1. If passed, this constitutional amendment would reduce the penalty for many of the drug possession charges. Issue 1 undermines treatment. Treatment for addiction is not provided or required by this amendment. Courts connect addicts to treatment and help motivate success. Many addicts decline treatment without the potential of jail or prison. The proposal undermines effective treatment efforts in courts. Issue 1 reduces sentences for violent offenders. Drug traffickers, human traffickers, aggravated robbers, and others will be eligible for up to a 25% sentence reduction.
Issue 1 is an unfunded mandate. It shifts costs to local government.

An analysis by the Ohio Office of Budget Management includes the following statement; “Therefore, OBM concludes that the proposed amendment would not produce significant savings to the state and could (depending on interpretation) actually increase costs to the state by tens of millions of dollars. For local governments, the proposed amendment would add costs that likely would not be covered by potentially available appropriations under amendment.”

Some of the groups and organizations that oppose issue 1.

Buckeye State Sheriff’s Association, Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police, Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association, Ohio Common Pleas Judges Association, Ohio Association of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, Association of Municipal and County Court Judges of Ohio, Ohio State Bar Association, Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center, County Auditors Association of Ohio, Ohio State Coroner’s Association, Prevention Action Alliance, County Commissioners Association of Ohio, Ohio State Bar Association.