Is Your Medicine Cabinet Putting You at Risk?

Modern medicine is helping people live longer, healthier lives than they did even 20 years ago. But as much as medications can help you manage your health risks, some prescription medications can increase your risk of falling by causing dizziness, drowsiness or numbness. They could also have other side effects that affect your balance and perception. You can avoid many risk factors that can lead to a fall and injury by being partners with your doctor and pharmacist and talking about your prescriptions.

  • Maintain a list of all the drugs you take, including doses, frequency and prescribing doctor. Also include any over-the-counter medicines or supplements you take. Bring the list with you to doctors’ appointments and when you pick up prescriptions.
  • Read the prescription label. If it says “may cause dizziness or drowsiness,” or cautions against driving, ask about the best time to take it to avoid falls. Ask your doctor about alternative treatments with less hazardous side effects.
  • Take your medicine exactly as prescribed. Ask your doctor to write detailed directions on how and when to take your medications.
  • Talk to your doctor about changes to your eating habits, as well as how much caffeine and alcohol you consume, as these can affect how your medicines work.
  • Ask your pharmacist about easier-to-read labels and instructions on your medicine containers if you have trouble reading warnings or directions.
  • Your pharmacist can help select the best over-the-counter medications that only have the ingredients you need for your symptoms.

Remember, managing your medicines to prevent falls requires a partnership with your health care professionals, with you in the driver’s seat.


Visit our website for more tips and resources to prevent falls.