4 Things You Can’t Neglect With Your Home


Every home has its quirks and special features, but just about every home has a few tasks you need to perform to keep it in good shape. Here are a few!


When you own a home, you have many responsibilities. Most housekeeping duties are simple enough: keep things clean, pay the bills, take out the trash, and so on. However, you may have overlooked some things that are important to the well-being of your home and everyone who lives there. Here’s a list of four things you can’t neglect with your home. Add them to your schedule, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with handling them.

Clean the Gutters

It’s one of the yuckier jobs around the house. Cleaning out the gutters involves mucking them out and removing cold, sloppy, wet leaves and roof grit. Unpleasant as it is, neglecting your gutters can lead to all sorts of problems down the line. Gutters are important because they direct water away from the roof and foundation, protecting the interior of your home from seepage and flooding. Cleaning gutters before winter eliminates the possibility of ice dams on the roof, which can pull up roof tiles and send water through the ceiling. They can also cause mold growth, leaks, and other nastiness. Stick to a schedule of gutter cleaning, especially in spring and fall.

Inspect the HVAC System

Your HVAC system works tirelessly throughout the year to keep you cool or warm as outdoor temperatures change. It’s easy to forget about it as it toils in the background. Make a point of scheduling yearly maintenance with the installer or another reputable HVAC technician. Have it inspected and serviced before intense periods of use, like sweltering summer days. That way, you can catch potential issues before they get bigger and costlier. Put filter cleanings and changes on the schedule, as well. Maintaining them keeps the works from clogging up and breaking down.

Plumbing Problems

Your plumbing system is always “talking” to you. Listen to what it has to say! Strange noises, drips, leaks, clogs, slow drains, and sluggish service are all signs that something’s up. Plumbing problems often escalate quickly. Luckily, you can fix most things like drips and blocked drains with a few basic tools or cleansers, but work with a plumber to handle bigger problems. Maintaining your plumbing also ensures your bills stay low since you won’t waste as much water.


The last of these four things you can’t neglect with your home is a simple one, though it may take time. Decluttering your home is the first step toward a cleaner, safer, and more sellable property. Take stock of what you have, where you keep it, and whether you use it or not. Decluttering frees up space, gives your home’s residents more room to maneuver, takes weight off the floors and walls, and adds value to your home when you plan to sell it.


Submitted by: (Kelly Schoessling)


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