Mount Vernon Police Department Lateral Hire

Are you interested in being considered for a lateral hire police patrol officer position with the Mount Vernon Police Department? Our goal is to hire a police force where you can make a difference in the community you serve. Mount Vernon is small enough where you can be a part of cases from start to finish and busy enough to challenge you and keep you constantly learning and provide professional fulfillment.
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BBB Tip: Overcharged on Your Phone Bill? Watch Out For Cramming


Your monthly phone bill can be confusing. Some less-than-scrupulous companies take advantage of this by “cramming.” Cramming is the illegal act of adding unauthorized service charges to your account without your knowledge or approval.

Usually, crammers add small charges and describe them with generic terms, such as “service fee,” “voicemail,” or “other fees,” hoping a few dollars here and there will go unnoticed.… Read full story

New, Highly Innovative NIH Research Awards to Address Health Disparities and Advance Health Equity


The National Institutes of Health is funding bold, new research ideas that focus on interventions to address health disparities and advance health equity. Eleven grants were awarded to support the work of exceptionally creative researchers across the United States through the NIH Common Fund’s Transformative Research to Address Health Disparities and Advance Health Equity initiative totaling $58 million over five years, pending availability of funds.… Read full story

Here Comes Bat Week 2021!

Bat Week is an international, annual celebration designed to raise awareness about the need for bat conservation. Bats are amazing creatures that are vital to the health of our natural world and economy. Although we may not always see them, bats are hard at work all around the world each night—eating tons of insects, pollinating flowers, and spreading seeds that grow new plants and trees.
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