Mount Vernon Municipal Court Weekly Warrants List


Warrants were issued last week by the Mount Vernon Municipal Court for the arrest of the following individuals. If you have any pertinent information about someone on the list, please contact law enforcement. Thank you. #WeeklyWarrants

Amy Slone
Colt Conley
Jasmine Cosner
Johnathan Snyder
Justyn Harris
Michael Cosner
Randy Spurling
Robert Troyer
Tiffany Fulton
Timothy Brown
Xavier Mason

Not Pictured:
Andrea Inboden

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Brown: Trump’s Temper Tantrum Hurts Americans

Senator: President’s Actions Threaten Pay for Border Agents, Harm Farmers, Food Banks, and Working Americans

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) issued the following statement after the President went back on his word and irresponsibly reversed his support for a government funding measure that would keep the government open until February.… Read full story