National Stress Awareness Day

National Stress Awareness Day on the first Wednesday in November aims to identify and reduce the stress factors in your life.


Everyone has stress. Some stress is good for us. It helps us to respond to changes in life. Stress is our body’s way of protecting itself from harm. However, too much stress causes harm to our health and relationships.

Identifying the stressors impacting our physical and mental health is important. Sometimes, health problems are the cause. But our health can also be affected by external stressors such as physical abuse, stressful work environments, financial stress, or other family health issues.

Once we identify the causes of stress in our lives, we can begin to eliminate or reduce stress. Some tools that help with stress include:

  • Develop coping skills for anxiety.
  • Identify and let go of the things you cannot change.
  • Exercise to help us to let go of built-up anxiety.
  • Eating a balanced diet fuels our bodies so we’re able to better cope with the stress.


Develop a routine to help you lessen your tension. Go for a walk, do some deep breathing, get some exercise or a massage, or take a long, relaxing bath. If you’re struggling with the amount of stress in your life, seek help. You can speak to your doctor or check with your employer for an assistance program designed to help employees balance their life. Post your ideas using #StressAwarenessDay on social media.


Carole Spiers, Chair of International Stress Management Association, founded National Stress Awareness Day.

Stress FAQ

Q. Can stress be a good thing?
A. Yes, it can. Psychologists call good stress “eustress.” This good stress is missing one element that would make it bad stress – fear. Without fear, we tend to look forward to these stressful moments with excitement even if we’re a little bit anxious. We might experience eustress when we anticipate good things to happen – planning a party, playing in the championship game, completing the final exam to a degree, or preparing to go on a trip. While this type of stress may not last long, it motivates us to reach for that good stress again.

Q. How do we benefit from stress?
A. Stress potentially improves learning, memory, and focus. However, long periods of stress are also potentially harmful.

Q. Do some people handle stress better than others?
A. Yes. However, depending on the stressor, even those who normally handle stress well can crumble under the pressure. No one is immune to stress. It’s like snakes, spiders, and mice; a person who has no issue with snakes and spiders might have their anxiety spike at the mere mention of mice. You know who you are. Yes. It’s me.