French Students Receive Honors

Medalists: Beckett Penchon-Elkins, Eleanor Wise, Hannah Hofferberth

Congratulations to the participants in the 2021 Grand Concours (National French Test)!  This year sixty Mount Vernon students participated and nationally there were 30,000 students.  These 16 Mount Vernon students received honors for their performance on the test.  Thirteen of the students received a Certificat de Mention d’honneur (Mention of Honor  Certificate), one student earned a bronze medal and two students earned silver.

French 1
Peyton Hauenstein-Cline (8th grade)  – Mention d’honneur
Christopher Hawthorne (8th grade) – Mention d’honneur
Hope Neighbarger (8th grade)  – Mention d’honneur
Thomas Sant (8th grade)  – Mention d’honneur
Sophie Taylor (8th grade)   – Mention d’honneur
Dalan Vail (8th grade)  – Mention d’honneur
French 2
Ally Matulich (9th grade)  – Mention d’honneur
French 3
Alex Couch (10th grade)  – Mention d’honneur
Nick Grega (10th grade)  – Mention d’honneur
Emily Hammond (10th grade)  – Mention d’honneur
Julie King (10th grade)  – Mention d’honneur
Emily Springer (10th grade)  – Mention d’honneur
Hannah Hofferberth (9th grade) – Bronze Medal
AP French
Megan Chamberlin (11th grade) – Mention d’honneur
Beckett Pechon-Elkins (11th grade) – Silver Medal
KAP French
Eleanor Wise (12th grade) – Silver Medal
Information courtesy of Mount Vernon City Schools