Wildlife Wednesday – The Marbled Salamander

It’s time for some slimy fun with another one of our amphibian friends for today’s Wildlife Wednesday as we spotlight the Marbled Salamander.
The male’s bright white bands on a black body and the female’s grayish-white on black make this one of our more distinctively marked salamanders. However, a rare individual may lack the white bands which complicates an otherwise easy identification. Marbled Salamanders make their homes in a variety of habitats from dry wooded slopes to moist sandy areas. They are fond of hiding under rocks and logs on wooded slopes, sometimes in surprisingly dry places. Marbled Salamanders are distributed along some of the lakeshore counties, but are more common in southern Ohio.
For more info on amphibians in the buckeye state, download the Ohio Division of Wildlife‘s Amphibians of Ohio here – https://ohiodnr.gov/…/Amphibians%20of%20Ohio%20Field…. #WildOhio Ohio Department of Education
Information courtesy of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources