National Common Courtesy Day

National Common Courtesy Day on March 21st serves as a reminder of the behavior that keeps society from melting into a sea of madness. In addition, the day brings awareness to how crucial common courtesy is in our lives and provides examples to help us improve.

In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, courtesy is described as a: behavior marked by polished manners or respect for others: courteous behavior b: a courteous and respectful act or expression.

Common courtesy can be as simple as saying “please” and “thank you” when asking for and receiving a service, gift, or assistance. Kindness and courtesy go a long way and are noticed by others even if you do not realize it. Letting someone in front of you in traffic is easy. Hold open a door for someone or give a person a hand with his groceries. Give up your seat on the bus to someone who might need it. Introduce yourself to the new employee or kid at school and take the time to introduce them to the rest of the crew.

These examples provide a glimpse into how you can infuse courtesy into your life. Momentary deeds of courtesy may be incremental, but they might make a huge difference in someone’s life.

HOW TO OBSERVE #CommonCourtesyDay

  • If common courtesy is not a part of your daily routine, make Common Courtesy Day your opportunity for change.
  • Start implementing courtesy into your life.
  • Try it; not only will others appreciate it, but you will feel good about it, too.
  • Show your appreciation for the common courtesy you experience.
  • Use #CommonCourtesyDay to post on social media.


National Day Calendar continues to seek the day’s origin but identified it began around 2003.

Common Courtesy FAQ

Q. Is there such a thing as uncommon courtesy?
A. In a sense, yes. Common courtesy is disappearing, so it’s more uncommon now than it once was. However, when common courtesy thrived, some people practiced uncommon courtesy. It could be described as going above and beyond the ordinary customs of the day. For example, standing when someone entered or left a room used to be common courtesy. However, the practice has fallen out of fashion. Some people still stand when someone enters an office, meeting, or social occasion, though it’s more uncommon than common.

Q. What is one way to teach common courtesy?
A. One of the best ways to teach common courtesy is to practice it yourself. When others see common courtesy in action, they learn to adopt the behavior themselves.