Wildlife Wednesday – The Spicebush Swallowtail

Welcome back to Wildlife Wednesday from your Ohio Division of Wildlife! Today we continue our butterfly spotlights with the Spicebush Swallowtail.
These butterflies reach peak abundance in large forests of southern Ohio, where it can be numerous. There are normally two broods, in spring and late summer. Because hatches of each brood extend over several weeks, this species can be found from early spring into late fall.
The caterpillar is an exceptional example of deceptive camouflage. It appears to have a fearsome snake-like face, which presumably can frighten off potential predators.
For more info on this butterfly as well as how to attract butterflies to your yards, download our Backyard for Butterflies publication at https://ohiodnr.gov/…/Backyards%20for%20Butterflies… Ohio Department of Education #WildOhi
Information courtesy of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources