Wildlife Wednesday – The Eastern Copperhead

Today’s Wildlife Wednesday is a spotlight on one of the three venomous snakes in the buckeye state – the Eastern Copperhead.
Copperheads have the dubious distinction of having bitten more people in the United States than any other venomous snake, yet fewer snakebite deaths are attributed to the copperhead. Because the amount of venom injected during a bite is not enough to seriously hurt a healthy adult, the bite is rarely fatal. However, it is extremely painful, and, like a honeybee sting, has the potential to produce a life-threatening allergic reaction. When encountered, copperheads are usually content to lie motionless or retreat if given the chance. But if aroused, they will vibrate their tail rapidly and strike wildly.
Copperheads are widely scattered throughout most of unglaciated Ohio. Although they occupy a variety of habitats from floodplains to ridge tops, they show a marked preference for the rocky, wooded hillsides of southeastern Ohio. They are not as averse to civilization as the timber rattlesnake, but copperheads tend to stay away from well-settled areas.
For more info on snakes in the buckeye state, download the Reptiles of Ohio Field Guide from our Ohio Division of Wildlife at https://ohiodnr.gov/…/Pub%205354_Reptiles%20of%20Ohio…. #WildOhio  Ohio Department of Education