Wildlife Education: WILD School Sites

WILD School Sites are an extension of Project WILD and can involve any school property used by students, teachers, and the community as a place to learn about and benefit from wildlife and the environment. These sites function within the premise that every school, regardless of size and location, can provide outdoor educational opportunities that can and should be part of any integrated education program. Some projects include pollinator gardens, feeding stations, native prairies, nest boxes, or water sources.

The Division of Wildlife provides assistance in four key areas- planning WILD school sites, grants, educator workshops, and site certification. We help plan locations and habitat improvement projects for sites and offer forty grants per year to provide funding that makes these sites possible. Additionally, the division helps teachers and staff learn how to use the outdoor classroom and share their knowledge. To learn more about these important educational tools, visit here:  http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/…/conservation-education-projec…