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United Way of Knox County Program Elementary Afterschool Tutoring

Eagles’ Nest is an after-school tutoring and enrichment program supported by United Way. Piloted at East Elementary School in the 2017-2018 school year, Eagles’ Nest provides academic and social support for elementary school students at risk of falling behind. Children are invited to participate based on standardization test scores or by teacher recommendation. Attendance is not mandatory, but students want to attend – The Eagles Nest program reported an average of 36 “eagles” in the nest each school day from October 2017 to May 2018.

The program offers three distinct pieces: education, enrichment, and nutrition. Eagles are supported in the nest with tutoring and homework help from licensed educators, aids, and community volunteers. They take flight participating in organized non-traditional exercises such as Zumba and Yoga. The Eagles find wings of their own by challenging their creativity in activities such as crafting and cooking. Of course, they also leave well-fed after enjoying a snack. Students love the program! And it works! Those participating in the program improve in classroom performance and test scores. Thanks to Marilyn Nagy and a host of volunteers for executing this much-needed and much-loved program.

United Way’s afterschool Elementary School presence is expanding. The success at Eagles’ Nest is both coveted and repeatable. The structure of the program has been adapted at Dan Emmett Elementary school for the 2018-2019 school year. While the new program will be unique to the coordinator, educators, and students of Dan Emmett, it still features the critical pieces of a homework help, enrichment experiences, and nutrition. With continued success and sufficient resources, United Way would like to provide further expansion to county schools.

This United Way program creates an imaginative and nurturing environment to foster children’s learning and social development. By donating to United Way of Knox County’s 2018 Campaign, you will be supporting the Afterschool Tutoring and Enrichment Programs and the other local programs that United Way implements or invests in. Give, Advocate, Volunteer. LIVE UNITED.